


事情发生的经过: 北卡罗来纳州记录了首例因新型冠状病毒肺炎死亡的病例, 记录在案的感染人数急剧增加, and many local 政府 implemented shelter-in-place or stay-at-home orders to minimize public spread. 政府. 罗伊·库珀与超过2人召开了电话会议,向当地政府官员介绍已完成和正在进行的工作. On Thursday, the White House granted North Carolina a federal disaster declaration.

单词释义: 这 is uncharted territory, at least in memory, for really any level of government 在这里. 帮助, 随着答案的揭晓, the League has been publishing FAQs and other timely info based on many of the questions and discussions -- open meetings procedure, 人力资源及就业事宜, 遵守行政命令, 等等——这些都是政府官员在过去几周的经历. 这是在 http://employment.est-pack.com/coronavirus,其中还包括有关事件的资源链接和博客文章.

利用: 库珀州长预计将在下午4点召开新闻发布会.m. today (Friday) with additional announcements related to the coronavirus response. 

瘦子: 事物在不断变化. 这 bulletin reflects the facts as of its production time late Friday morning. 请关注信誉良好、可靠的社交媒体来源, 新闻媒体和政府公告更新, 尤其是州长的新闻发布会. 

除了几个直播和点播教育 sessions related to how 新型冠状病毒肺炎 is affecting cities and towns, the League will 将于5月28日举行虚拟年度业务会议. 电子提名 选举过程正在进行中,细节将会公布给 即将成为正式会员. 请继续关注! 

作为一个特别的房子 委员会本周开始开会,讨论各州应对气候变化的策略 在2019冠状病毒病危机期间,365足彩下载继续致力于满足城市和社区的需求 州决策者熟知的县. 众议院经济支持工作组 周三还讨论了对企业减税的可能性 个人和企业在车辆等项目上的付款延期 注册. NCLM首席立法顾问Erin Wynia计划 向状态连续性操作工作组远程报告 将于周二举行,并将讨论病毒传播及其经济影响 对城镇的影响. 周二下午2点,点击 音频按钮为1228lb,可提供 在这里
重申 在上周寄给州长的信中,主题是. 罗伊·库珀,众议院议长蒂姆·摩尔 和参议院临时议长菲尔·伯杰,演讲将重点关注如何 local economies and small businesses are suffering, and the effects of business 地方销售税和公用事业收入流的损失. NCLM正在强调这一点 maintaining local government cash flows is essential to address the crisis, as 公共安全支出是大多数市政普通资金的最大组成部分 运营预算. 365足彩下载党还将呼吁立法者提供 meeting flexibility for municipal governing bodies and operational flexibility 对公用事业. 本周早些时候,这些写给立法机构领导人的信件被转发 致所有立法者. NCLM继续与州长办公室合作 并计划采取其他措施,向立法者通报当地的关切 加强与北卡罗莱纳州国会代表团的沟通.


Updating municipal officials across the state in a group call Tuesday, state officials including 政府. Roy Cooper underlined the growing severity of 新型冠状病毒肺炎 as they discussed actions underway to slow the spread, 完善生活必需品供应链, 确保对地方政府预算的援助. "I'm not sure that we've ever seen anything like what we are experiencing right now,库珀对市长们说, 市议会成员, 经理等. “它影响到我们州的每一个部分." 

库珀州长预计将在下午4点召开新闻发布会.m. 今天(星期五)讨论冠状病毒防护的其他措施. Please pay attention to news channels and press releases from state agencies for any changes to the details discussed below.

政府ernor Cooper on Tuesday's call acknowledged the looming budgetary and operational problems local 政府 are already thinking about as the virus eats resources and prompts unprecedented realignments. He said he's "pushing for the strongest package possible" to keep the state and its local 政府 as whole and ready as possible. He highlighted a $200 billion special funding request the state has made to the federal government. 

打电话的时候,下午两点半.m. on March 24 -- the state had documented just shy of 400 positive 新型冠状病毒肺炎 cases in 49 counties. That number has since grown and officials had anticipated cases in virtually every North Carolina county by the weekend. “这种病毒是一个杀手,”州长强调说. Eighty percent of the people who contract the coronavirus are expected to recover in their homes without hospitalization, 但有整整20%的感染者需要去医院, 其中5%的人需要重症监护, 公共卫生专家在电话中说. 高危人群包括老年人, people with compromised immune systems and with other pre-existing conditions like lung disease, 等. 也就是说, it's vital that people are conscious of the stress falling on hospitals and make choices to prevent overwhelming caseloads. 州卫生与公众服务部部长. Mandy Cohen said partners are "ramping up medical capacity to meet the demand," but that it's vital that communities take social-distancing and smart business measures seriously to prevent an overload of otherwise preventable cases.

Current supply-chain issues are amounting to shortages of medical gear, like masks and ventilators. 的 governor's cabinet has been working with the private sector and federal government to address the issue, 在这一点上,哪个是全球性的. State health officials are also analyzing all global efforts and techniques around the world that seem effective in slowing the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 spread. 在写这篇文章的时候,在北卡罗来纳州, 行政命令 关闭的企业是否有集会或人际接触的元素, 从电影院到美甲沙龙. 50人以上的集会是禁止的. 包括教堂礼拜仪式, 州长指出, adding he had a call with 800 faith leaders from around the state to bring 他们 all to the same page and remind 他们 that they're still serving their communities regardless. "We know that this virus is prevalent in that it can be transmitted so easily, 因此,我们正在采取适当的措施,试图抑制这种病毒,库珀州长说。. 尽可能呆在家里,他反复说. 

博士说. Cohen, "Most people can call their doctor, get monitored from home and recover." 

All 100 counties now have public assistance access under the federal disaster declaration the White House granted North Carolina on Thursday, allowing local 政府、国家机构和某些非营利组织将得到报销 冠状病毒应对费用. “这对城市、乡镇和县来说是个好消息 that are incurring expenses as their public health providers, first responders 应急管理人员努力保护社区免受新型冠状病毒肺炎的侵害. Roy Cooper在新闻发布会上说. “我们知道这种应对措施将是昂贵的 联邦援助将帮助支付这些费用.“ 新闻稿 进一步 details. 

国会通过了一份长达近900页的联邦一揽子计划 对地方政府的规定. HR748 -《365足彩下载》或《365足彩下载》, is historic legislation -- headed to the president for signing -- aimed at improving abilities to weather the coronavirus impacts in a vareity of ways. 标题V -冠状病毒救济基金; specifically in Section 5001 (on page 598 of the bill) highlights local government 有1500亿美元的拨款. 美国.S. 财政部必须分配所有的资金 在法案通过后三十天内提交给州政府. 每个州都是 保证至少1美元.250亿年. 

根据 the bill, 45 percent of the total allotment is reserved for municipalities with 人口50万或更多. 如果一个地区的人口超过50万,就可以取消 是否有能力直接申请其股份.  有较小的地方 人们必须依靠国家来发放资金. 然而,有 a host of provisions that would allocate money to factors that would aid local 政府. A 联邦的总结 分解失业援助等要点. 

这 新闻报道正在进行中吗. 监视可靠的更新出口. 

所有的北 今天,卡罗莱纳社区正面临艰难时期. 对于该州的乡村小镇来说, the challenges – largely due to national and global trends of manufacturing job 损失和城市化——甚至在2019冠状病毒病危机之前就已经很大了. 这 week, articles and a video focusing on those challenges appeared on the WRAL-TV 网站作为365足彩下载合作的一部分,与这些故事 提供具体挑战和应对措施的案例研究. 这 故事周日在WRAL主页上发布的一份报告,调查了伦敦金融城的情况 Rockingham is working to redefine its local economy after textile mills in the Area在几十年前就开始关闭. 另一个 article,研究了威廉斯顿及其周围的马丁 该县试图解决其用水需求,结果却失去了一个主要的工业用户 二三十年前在许多社区发生的事情的重演. 的 附带的视频 看看这些问题是如何在农村发生的 communities across our state, and how a statewide approach is needed to address 他们. 请大家以365足彩下载的名义在社交媒体平台上分享这些故事 continues to work to bring more attention to the issues around water and sewer 许多农村城镇面临的生存能力和经济挑战.

有了公开会议法,即使在 恶劣的天气,北卡罗来纳州的城镇知道他们在做什么. 但考虑到 the unprecedented 自然 of the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 impact on operations head-to-toe, new 一些问题浮现在脑海中. 对此,州检察长乔什·斯坦 生产 a 关于法律允许的新指导文件 在这些特殊的 情况下. 以下是节选: 

“地方政府能召开必要的会议吗 在这些紧急情况下通过电子手段? 

“是的, 因为电子会议是允许的.C.G.S. §143.318.13、 通知、访问和会议记录的要求可以通过电子方式满足 意味着. 由于我们都面临着前所未有的情况,而且 地方管理机构远程召开会议的事实并非如此 我的结论是,地方政府可以携带枪支 以电子方式传送必要的会议,并保持符合Open的规定 会议的法律." ​阅读全文.

头条新闻 在过去的几天里,当地的行动都很突出,比如呆在家里或者 shelter-in-place orders rendered by municipal or county 政府 to enforce 面对面互动的限制. 当地政府正在努力识别或 定义“必要工人”的条例目的,国家 《城市365足彩下载》撰写了一些一般性的社区级信息 根据联邦指导方针. 例如,NLC指出,联邦网络 安全和基础设施安全局,简称CISA, 发布备忘录 以帮助州和地方官员 “保护他们的社区,同时确保关键职能的连续性 对公众健康和安全,以及经济和国家安全.“ CISA备忘录确定了支持“医疗保险”的工人 医疗保健,电信,信息技术系统,国防, 粮食和农业、交通和物流、能源、水和 wastewater, law enforcement, and public works,” though t在这里 may be others as well, 它说. NLC说:“CISA是一个指导清单,也是一个开始的地方 对于当地社区. 由于新型冠状病毒肺炎大流行的应对工作是地方性的 执行,国家管理和联邦支持,这个列表是建议 自然. 它本身并不是联邦指令或标准. " 阅读全文