
League Bulletin

June 14, 2019

​WHAT HAPPENED: We're still on budget​众议院和参议院之间的协议尚未达成. Appointed negotiators continued talks this week over the nearly $24 billion state spending plan, on which the House and Senate differed when they came out with their respective drafts.
WHAT IT MEANS: 正如我们在过去几周所注意到的, there's nothing unordinary about the House and Senate having different plans for the state budget. The question is how long they'll take to wrap up talks on a compromise version they can send the governor, 尽管人们一直在谈论不久的将来. A brief in the 内部州政府新闻服务's subscription newsletter highlighted laughter from one of the House's top bud​get writers when House Speaker Tim Moore hinted at having an agreement ready this week. "The fact that one senior chair started laughing indicated that this is an optimistic view of things,演讲者摩尔说. 
ON TAP: The same piece quoted Senate leader Phil Berger as saying an agreement would come "next week at the earliest,,并希望将妥协文件提交给奥巴马州长. 罗伊·库珀,月底之前. Remember, the League has breakdowns of the proposals that have come out (from the Senate, House, and a compare-contrast文档). 
THE SKINNY: 我们在大会上还关注着其他活动部分. 请继续阅读有关电子产品回收的最新信息, 监管改革, 以及一家陷入困境的当地公用事业公司,该公司引起了联合国大会的关注.

State assistance for struggling local utilities was a significant topic of discussion in the N.C. 本周参议院. 公用事业需求在 养老金、退休和老龄化委员会 周四复习的时候 a large rewrite hb777购买选择权/上一年FT服务积分. The rewritten bill includes provisions of the Viable Utility Reserve grant program that were originally included in sb536水/废水公共企业改革, legislation intended to assist utilities in addressing water and wastewater infrastructure issues. 该法案的背景资料已经发布了 以前的通讯报道. 在本周的委员会讨论中, senators noted that the proposal does not include a financing mechanism to fund these grants, 尽管全州都有很大的需求. Sen. Andy Wells of Hickory explained that the provisions match the policy that was included in the Senate budget. He added that the legislation is needed to immediately address the needs of the Town of Eureka, concluding that the Senate is doing everything it can to get funding in place. 委员会讨论了该法案,但没有对其进行表决. 
本周早些时候,尤里卡镇已经成为立法的对象. An amendment to hb336延长斯宾塞山的停航期 周二,奥巴马参议员(Sen. Jim Perry, 这个镇属于哪个韦恩和勒诺瓦县, to add a provision to temporarily suspend the town’s charter due to its financial struggles. The move gives control of the town’s assets and finances to the State Treasurer’s office until the suspension expires in 2024. The Local Government Commission – which is a part of the Treasurer’s office – had previously voted to take similar action, 减去租船暂停. The town’s financial troubles stem from the upkeep needs of its sewer system. Senator Perry described the charter suspension as an attempt to give the town a chance to survive. 该法案于周四获得了众议院的批准, and as a local bill does not require the governor’s signature to become law.

本周有进展的其他法案包括 sb553 2019年监管改革法案, which this 公告紧随其后 in recent months in part for a no-longer-included provision that would have repealed the statewide ban on computers and TVs entering landfills. 提案被删除后, the bill this week passed the Senate and went over to the House for consideration. Meanwhile, SB 381重组/澄清董事会和委员会 received final approval this week from the General Assembly and went to the governor's desk for signing. In addition to making corrections to a variety of boards and commissions to address unconstitutionally appointed membership, it adds to the list of purposes for which Clean Water Management Trust Fund money can be used, 包括一些与雨水有关的. 2019年北卡罗来纳州农业法案SB 315 本周通过了两个委员会. 该法案涉及各种农业问题, 包括养猪场, 大麻生意和其他话题立法者已经辩论过了. It additionally contains a provision to allow signs that advertise bona fide farms to be placed within 660 feet of the nearest edge of interstate or state primary highways, 在某些条件下. The bill would also create a process by which landowners whose land is burdened by a utility easement (including easements for water and wastewater systems) can petition for termination of the easement. 参议院将于周一对该法案进行全体投票. You can follow the progress of these and other bills of interest to cities and towns in 我们的在线账单跟踪器.

The dispensing of opioids has declined since the 2017 launch of the Opioid Action Plan, 国家对阿片类药物成瘾和相关死亡危机的反应. 这是根据 press release that Gov. 罗伊·库珀办公室本周发布了“阿片类药物行动计划.0继续工作. “自2017年该计划启动以来, 阿片类药物配药减少了24%,根据新闻稿. "Prescriptions for drugs used to treat opioid use disorders increased by 15% in that time frame, and opioid use disorder treatment specifically for uninsured and Medicaid beneficiaries is up by 20%. There were nearly 10% fewer emergency department visits for opioid overdoses in 2018 than in 2017." The state has received more than $54 million in federal funds that have helped to treat more than 12,000人处理药物使用障碍, 根据更新. "The numbers show the progress, but it’s the stories that paint a picture,” said Governor Cooper. “Too many families and their loved ones are still suffering, and we must do more.阅读更多的统计数据,了解最新的计划 online​. Information for municipalities looking for ways to combat local opioid abuses, 包括一个以警察局长为主角的系列视频, is found at est-pack.com/opioidsolutions.

我们出去了 最新版的南方城市, the League's quarterly magazine, this time connecting you with the backgrounds and values of 国王山市长斯科特·奈斯勒说 在另一篇文章中, Rep. Holly Grange of Wilmington. 给奈斯勒市长, it's the story of his roots -- he's got at least two Kings Mountain mayors in his ancestry, 包括他的曾曾祖父, the town's first mayor -- and the myriad ways he's stayed connected with the spirit and vision of his community. 对于众议员格兰奇来说,这是一个坐下来的问题&A that brings out details of her legislative service and military background, notably as a graduate of West Point not long after the school began admitting women. Other focuses in this edition include a project in Hudson connecting arts and business, 城市网络安全, an initiative to bring younger staffers into local government in North Carolina, and much more. Head to est-pack.com/southerncity 最新一期和所有过去的. ​
