


事情发生的经过: 这是仲夏, 联合国大会也离开了, 至少要到11月, 届时议员们可以在大选后重返议会采取更多行动.

单词释义: 对立法者, 现在是竞选季节, 即使传统的竞选季节和所有的政治广告要到9月份才会加速. 为了365足彩下载, it is on to a myriad of chores that don’t involve legislative committee meetings – things like planning for CityVision 2018, 区域性基层会议, 继续研究宽带接入战略, 规划365体育足彩目标和政策委员会会议, 并计划重新启动我们的“这里我们成长”活动(敬请关注).

利用: 更直接的, 我们将在未来几天发布我们的会议结束公告, so be on the lookout for what we think is a great resource that can be used time and again to reference what happened in the 2018 legislative session.

瘦子: Now back to all the news that affects municipalities but is not necessarily legislative-related. ​

到目前为止,你可能已经意识到N.C. Utilities Commission has issued an order in the rate case affecting customers of Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC), 其中包括该州西半部的许多城镇. The order should lead to substantial benefits for municipalities and follows the League intervening on a number of issues before the commission. We are very pleased with the outcome and that commission members carefully and thoroughly considered our arguments. 同时, the order provides for more input from NCLM and its members going forward on a number fronts. 点击这里 浏览要点和详情.
现在,我们需要你的帮助和你的想法. 在接下来的六个月内, DEC将提交有关拟议的新使用时间的详细信息, 关键峰值定价和其他动态费率结构在命令中被要求. 虽然许多客户将能够利用这些新的费率结构, 国联是提出这些要求的主要干预者, 因此,我们希望确保所提出的建议对我们的成员最有用和最有利. NCLM will also continue to participate in the stakeholder process for grid modernization and continue to meet with DEC on lighting issues.
Please provide any input you have regarding these issues to League 立法 and Regulatory Counsel Sarah Collins at scollins@est-pack.com.

365足彩下载执行董事保罗·迈耶说 出现在“与洛丽塔·博尼蒂聚焦”节目中 讨论随着北卡罗来纳州的发展,市政当局面临的问题. 在频谱新闻的30分钟公共事务节目中, Meyer highlighted the turnaround growth that municipalities across the state are experiencing and noted that the majority of the state's jobs and retail sales are happening within our cities and towns. 但挑战也随之而来,他补充道. “当然, 城市有责任提供推动经济增长的基础设施, and the elected officials that are making the decisions about how to expand that infrastructure have to have the right tools -- financial tools -- to be able to do that,迈耶说。. He emphasized that a good relationship between local government and the business​ community is key as well. 在线观看完整版.
它还突显了戈尔兹伯勒市中心的经济发展方式. 在美国政府的帮助下,街景的改造是其中的一个主要部分.S. Department of Transportation TIGER grant (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery, 现在被称为BUILD, 或者更好地利用投资来促进开发), 还有市政府投资的数百万美元. “这无疑有助于我们市中心的振兴,詹妮弗·柯林斯, 城市规划助理主任, 在"焦点"环节中说. "The infrastructure there has just improved the streetscape and businesses have just flourished."

戈尔兹伯勒市中心的回归, 以及当地政府为实现这一目标所做的努力, 是众多成功故事中的一个吗 我们在这里成长. That's the League's one-of-a-kind website -- that all League-member cities and towns should be a part of -- compiling local-level economic development wins from across the state and offering tools for municipal leaders to share how they achieved them. 戈尔兹伯勒, 《365体育足彩》捕捉到了市中心是如何蓬勃发展的 成为一个为行人和商业成功而设计的繁荣美丽的空间. “成功不是一夜之间发生的,”这篇文章指出. 它遵循了一长串聪明的, 当地的决策, public investments​ and leveraging of resources that have altogether resulted in millions of dollars in private investment within a short time period downtown. 在这里我们成长.
我们在这里成长's stories come directly from YOU, and your participation is as easy as it is powerful. 突出: 
1)只需登录并提交一篇解释上下文的简短文章, decisions and details of success for any economic development project that your local government helped to fruition.
The Department of State Treasurer this week issued guidance regarding new requirements for tracking building inspection fee revenue. 该指导意见要求受影响的地方政府从7月1日开始追踪数据, 尽管报告截止日期是6月30日, 2019. A 调度 该部门发出的通告全文如下:

“2018年预算案中的一个项目(S.L. 2018-5,第21部分,第162页) requires local governments to specifically track building inspection fee revenue and the expending of that revenue. Cities and counties will report the revenue and related expenditures on the AFIR beginning with the report due for June 30, 2019 (S.L. 2018-29,第4部分.5.(a) 澄清此要求自2019年6月30日起生效). 在AFIR上会有一个专门的部分来介绍这些信息. 各单位应从7月1日起开始追踪这一数据, 2018, 以便于6月30日的报告要求.



虽然预算法案中的措辞并不具体, it is our belief that the inspection fees referred to are those that are charged under the authority granted in G.S. 153A-354的县或G.S. 160A-414市政当局. The language in both of these bills restricts the expenditure of the allowed fees to those expenditures incurred 'for support of the administration and activities of the inspection department and for no other purpose.' (G.S. 160A-414,相同的语言包含在G.S. 153A-354). One purpose for the separate reporting is to help verify that the funds a​re being spent as required, so we feel comfortable that these are the only fees to be reported under this new requirement."

最近,期待已久的美国.S. Supreme Court decision that state and local government may enforce sales tax collection from out-of-state online retailers has generated loads of questions about what's next. 全国城市365足彩下载(National League of Cities)即将举办的网络研讨会将探讨最高法院的意见, 州政府和地方政府会怎么做呢, 从联邦到地方的反应, 以及利益相关者可能使用的游说策略. 网上注册 参加定于7月12日下午1点举行的网络研讨会.m.

这并不是美国唯一的.S. 对地方政府有影响的最高法院案件. A second webinar, hosted by the National Association of Counties and scheduled for July 24 at 1 p.m., 看看最高法院的任期,以及当地领导人需要知道什么, 正如法律专家和《365足彩下载》监管事务记者莉迪亚·惠勒所说. 网上注册

A fall in vehicle gas tax revenue has led to reduced funding for public transportation systems in North Carolina, 根据本周的新闻报道. WUNC周四报道 N.C. 交通部已经通知了24个公共交通系统收入减少的情况. 如故事中所述, local transit leaders are concerned that such a funding reduction could make public transportation options less desirable for the public, 因为这些削减可能会影响平稳和快速的服务. 客流量的减少会使问题更加复杂. 教堂山的交通系统在新闻报道中特别突出, with its administrator telling the outlet that the town is having to pull money from its "desperately needed" replacement-bus fund to plug the new gap. 在WUNC阅读完整的故事.

365足彩下载正在接受2018-19年倡导目标的提案,截止日期为8月11日. 1. 与你的市政官员和工作人员讨论你的想法 点击这里 为倡导目标提交你的想法. 每两年一次, you -- the cities and towns of North Carolina -- develop legislative and regulatory goals for the upcoming legislative biennium. 这些目标是365足彩下载在罗利开展365体育足彩工作的指南. 不仅如此, 它们是北卡罗来纳州市政当局优先事项的集体声明, 大与小, 城市, 郊区和农村. The process of setting the Municipal 365体育足彩 Goals is an opportunity for each municipality to have a voice in telling state legislators and other state policymakers what is important to them.

倡导的目标也推动我们向两个 愿景2030营运原则(1)市政府对其财政收入有更大的控制权, 结构和功能, and (2) municipal governments engage in productive partnerships with other levels of government and the private sector.
立法和监管目标应包括一个明确的要求, 并且会对全州的市政府产生影响. 根据365足彩下载章程, you must indicate on your goal proposal whether it was voted on and approved by your local council or board. 提案将由NCLM政策委员会审议, NCLM董事会, 以及倡导目标会议期间的全体成员. 365足彩下载也可能要求您访问我们的 政策委员会进一步解释你建议的目标,作为目标选择过程的一部分.
这是你们的政策制定过程,请大家认真考虑并参与其中. 不要错过这个机会,在8月10日前提交你的提案. 1.