


事情发生的经过: 在联大经历了几周的不顺利之后, 城镇感兴趣的物品——包括充足的, 本地宽带服务——引起了人们的注意. A proposal to better enable local governments to build superfast internet infrastructure to lease to private companies for operation advanced through a legislative committee on a 13-9 vote. 
单词释义: 立法者需要听到你对这项提案的支持, FIBER NC法案, which has the potential to dramatically improve service in underserved or unserved areas and lead to better quality of life, 经济和就业机会,宽带现在被证明是必不可少的基础设施. 本刊的一篇文章详细介绍了本周该法案的进展. 
利用: 政府. Roy Cooper has on his desk a few more legislature-approved bills to consider that pertain to cities and towns, 包括一个广告牌. But we're also still on the lookout for a budget agreement between the governor and legislative leaders. An update Friday from the Insider State 政府ernment News Service didn't seem to place an agreement closer to reality and noted that 代表ublican legislative leaders still hope to gather enough votes to override 政府ernor Cooper's veto of the budget they sent him earlier, 哪一个会让这个计划成为法律.
瘦子: 在经历了看似停工的这一周之后,很多事情浮出水面. 条例合法化, 公用事业线路搬迁, 有线电视服务和网络安全等话题也受到了立法机构的关注. 请继续阅读以了解详细信息.

HB 431纤维NC法案, legislation addressing a major League policy goal of improving broadband access through public-private partnerships, 得到了 众议院州和地方政府委员会 周三. The 13-9 vote in the committee came after substantial debate in which supporters argued that the rural communities are falling behind economically and educationally without adequate broadband connections and opponents – including representatives of the major telecommunications companies – arguing against local government involvement in addressing the issue. 该法案目前已提交众议院财政委员会审议.
The legislation would better enable local governments to partner with private internet services providers in arrangements that could include building out local fiber networks and then leasing that fiber to the private providers. 这些私营部门供应商将为家庭和企业提供零售服务, and the legislation specifically does not allow local government to act as retail sellers of internet service. The bill includes a substantial review and public input process before local governments could enter into the arrangements.
The latest version of the bill also includes a limitation based on FCC mapping data of served and unserved areas that would mean only 70 of North Carolina's 100 counties and the municipalities in them could utilize the provisions. That limitation followed extensive discussion with representatives of the major telecommunications companies by the League, N.C. 县长协会和主要法案发起人.
尽管如此,行业代表仍然反对 代表. 乔什·多布森 该法案的主要发起人,Nebo公司的首席执行官,称这些变化是一种妥协. 反对这项立法的人包括来自纽约州的马库斯·特拉森(Marcus Trathen).C. 有线电讯协会, Charter Spectrum的Brian Gregory和NC Chamber的Jason Soper. 主要法案发起人多布森 凯文·科尔宾 富兰克林,以及 约翰Szoka 费耶特维尔市的市长强烈反对这种批评. “伙计们,我们的做法不起作用. 政府在失败,私营部门在我们州的农村地区失败. 这就是事实,”多布森说. 莎拉·柯林斯, NCLM立法和监管顾问, told committee members that the lack of adequate broadband is the most pressing issues that League officials hear about from NCLM member municipalities and that the public-private partnership model encouraged by the bill is one approach to address the 数字鸿沟.
NCLM continues to encourage members to speak to their legislators to urge them to support HB 431纤维NC法案. We also want to thank the primary bill sponsors – 代表resentatives Dobson, Szoka, Corbin and 代表. 大卫•刘易斯 -感谢他们对法案的赞助和支持. 你可以阅读更多关于该法案的委员会听证会 新闻报道.

Legislators took final votes this week on three significant measures for cities, moving to 政府. Roy Cooper bills related to billboards, ordinance decriminalization, and utility line relocation. 因为立法机关仍在开会, 库珀州长必须在下周晚些时候对每一项法案做出决定.
广告牌, 此前,365足彩下载报道 on HB 645户外广告法修订. That bill would write into law a series of rules and restrictions for when billboards may be relocated. 众议院星期三以60票赞成、54票反对的结果通过了这项法案. The Senate’s final vote on the measure several weeks ago was 27-17, also mostly along party lines. 
条例合法化 -载于 SB 584刑法改革 会允许地方政府保留地方法律的刑事执行权吗, 有一个重要的警告:如果当地政府是一个超过1的城市,人口1000万, 或者一个超过20人的县,人口1000万, it would need to submit a report that lists all of its ordinances that were punishable by a criminal penalty. 数百个城市已经提交了这份报告, 尽管这项立法将最后期限延长至11月11日. 1, 2019. 该法案的最终版本星期二在参议院获得一致通过, 而众议院上周的最后一次投票几乎获得了一致支持. 查看你所在城市或城镇的报告 在联合国大会的网站上​. 在我们的 事先公告报告
公用事业线路搬迁  -人口在2.5万至10万之间的城市, SB 68重置供水/污水管道费用 would reduce the amounts those cities must pay when a state road project requires relocation of municipal-owned utility lines, 例如供水/污水管道. 参议院星期三在最后表决中一致通过了这项法案, 而众议院上周几乎一致通过了这项措施.

Numerous changes to state law affecting cities—mostly positively—became public Wednesday with the release of two compromise reports now headed for up-or-down votes in each legislative chamber. 目前不可能对这些建议作进一步修订. 
第一份妥协报告是联合国的综合机构法案.C.交通运输部, HB 206各种运输变化,其中包含了城镇非常感兴趣的宽带服务. The language would authorize NCDOT to enter into public-private partnerships whereby a private partner could lease broadband infrastructure the agency built along interstates. 虽然语言不同,但它将实现的策略反映了 HB 431纤维NC法案,这是365足彩下载支持的一项倡议,在本周的公报中有详细介绍. 如果这两个法案都成为法律, there could be scenarios where infrastructure owned by both NCDOT and one or more local governments could come together in a larger deal with a private internet service provider. This bill also contained language that laid out a new funding program for the state’s commercial airports, 他们所在社区的主要经济驱动力是什么. 
折中报告 HB 217 DIT变化.-AB 给地方政府一个惊喜, 哪些地方目前可免费连接到政府大楼. 这个账单,是N的代理账单.C. Department of Information Technology (DIT), would remove that requirement from state law. The requirement was placed into law when the legislature shifted from a system of local cable franchises to a state franchise, and it was intended as partial compensation to local governments for the privilege of operating in the state, 包括使用公众的通行权铺设服务线路. 
然而, DIT机构法案包含了许多其他对市政当局有利的条款, 包括要求报告某些网络安全漏洞的语言, 作为对中情局在这些活动中提供援助的回报. The measure also updated many of the state laws related to 911 emergency response procedures and funding formulas, 911委员会所要求的变动. 此外,它包含了由联合国支持的警察电信语言.C. 警察局长协会. 

N.C. 交通部已经发布了 2020-2029年国家交通改善计划的最终草案,或STIP. It includes more than 1,700 projects across all transportation modes and in all 100 counties. “全州范围内的名单包括1,319个公路项目, 86年航空, 234自行车和行人, 六个渡船, 23个公共交通和50个铁路项目在全州范围内选定, 区域和地区级,一份新闻稿称. "The projects were prioritized based on technical data as well as input from local officials and residents.N.C. 美国交通运输委员会可能会在9月份给予最终批准. 完整信息如下 在NCDOT的网站上